Welcome to the SPEAR Project’s website!

The SPEAR (Secure and PrivatE smArt gRid) project is a research program, funded by the Horizon 2020 framework programme of the European Union and it aims at developing an integrated platform of methods, processes, and tools for:

  1. timely detecting evolved security attacks using big data analytics, advanced visual-aided anomaly detection tools, and smart node trust management schemes;
  2. developing an advanced forensic readiness framework for collecting attack traces and preparing the necessary legal evidence in court, while preserving user private information;
  3. implementing an anonymous smart grid channel for mitigating the lack of trust in exchanging sensitive information about cyberattack incidents;
  4. performing risk analysis and awareness through cyber hygiene frameworks, while empowering EU-wide consensus, by collaborating with European and global security organizations, standardization bodies, industrial groups and smart grid operators;
  5. exploiting the research outcomes to more critical infrastructure domains, while creating competitive business models for utilizing the implemented security tools in smart grid operators and actors across Europe.



Project Details

Project no. 787011

Type of project: Research and Innovation Action

Call identifier: H2020-DS-2016-2017 (Digital Security Focus Area)

Topic: DS-07-2017- : Cybersecurity PPP: Addressing Advanced Cyber Security Threats and Threat Actors

Duration: 1 May 2018 to 30 April 2021 (36 months)

CORDIS link: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/rcn/214857/factsheet/en


Use Cases




   To define the SPEAR system architecture, the security components and the privacy frameworks for situational awareness provisioning in relation to cyber security threats

   To build attack detection mechanisms and promote resilience operations in smart grids

   To increase situational awareness in smart grid networks

   To create and maintain an anonymous repository of smart grid incidents

   To provide smart network forensics subject to data protection and privacy

   To empower EU-wide consensus of cybersecurity in smart grid systems

   To validate the SPEAR architecture capabilities in proof-of-concept Use Cases

   To design an innovative business model and conduct a techno-economic analysis to strengthen the role of European smart grid and cyber-security industry in the global market.